Why are GSAs Important?

These are the top five reasons GSAs are important for schools:

  • Students who experience homophobic and transphobic bullying could feel ashamed, isolated, depressed, unsafe, and/or stressed out in school.[1] GSAs provide safer spaces for students to talk through experiences and find support from their peers.
  • GSAs provide leadership opportunities.
  • GSAs reduce homophobic and transphobic discrimination in schools.

[1] “Homophobic Bullying,” last modified August 2014, http://humanservices.alberta.ca/documents/homophobic-bullying-fact-sheet.pdf


Tertiary Outcomes of GSAs
(Academic, non-participant benefits, school culture)

  • GSAs foster an environment of inclusion in the school for both students and staff.
  • The presence of a GSA demonstrates to students and staff that discrimination is not tolerated.
  • The positive outcomes of GSAs transcend the walls of the school and affect the greater community. Teaching acceptance and inclusivity in the school will extend to the community as students and staff lead by example.