Hello friends! My name is Megan, and I will be reading a wonderful story to you each week! I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself.
I have always been passionate about early childhood literacy, and am a firm believer in the importance of reading to children as much as possible from the beginning of their lives. However, my wife and I, in searching for books for our son, realized that it was difficult to find books in which our family was represented. After graduating with my Bachelor of Elementary Education and beginning my career, I heard similar sentiments from students and families in the community.
With Rainbow Reading, it is my hope that families of all kinds can see themselves represented, and have a list of wonderful stories that they can easily access. These stories lend themselves incredibly well to meaningful discussion, and so after we read, I’ll ask you a question or two that you can discuss together (either on the livestream, or after), and a fun activity you can do together.
Whether you have a newborn baby and just want to listen in for the story part, or you have kiddos who will participate the whole way through, I hope you’ll join me for story time!
Click “Story Schedule” on the drop down menu (Regions>Sherwood Park>Rainbow Reading>Story Schedule) each week for links to previous livestreams, and materials needed for our next activity!
Frequently Asked Questions
What ages is this for? Rainbow Reading is for children of all ages. If your child is too young or unable to participate in the discussion and activity, you are welcome to just listen to the story! Reading to children of all ages, right from newborn, is highly beneficial.
Do I have to watch the livestream/stay for the entire thing? Absolutely not! Every livestream will be available immediately after the stream on altView’s Facebook page, and will be posted on the “Story Schedule” page of this website the next weekday. You are welcome to watch any time you like. If you are watching the livestream, you do not need to stay the entire time if you do not wish to.
How do I know what I need for each activity? On the “Story Schedule” page, you will be able to find the books we are reading next, as well as a list of supplies you need for the activity that week.