Rainbow Alliance (Fort Saskatchewan)

What is Rainbow Alliance?
– A safe place for youth to meet and hang out
– A group for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-identified, queer, questioning, and straight allied youth
– A place to have fun, learn about yourself and others in a safe, caring and supportive environment
– A space where we recognize that everyone is unique and each person is respected and supported to express themselves
– It provides youth with community support to foster healthy development, in a safe affirming, sex positive, alcohol and drug free environment. Rainbow Alliance believes in inclusion and acceptance.
– A Fort Saskatchewan based group but welcome youth from surrounding communities
– A group for youth 12- 25

The group is run in partnership with the altView Foundation and FCSS Fort Saskatchewan.  Space generously provided by the Fort saskatchewan Families First Societies


The group will be launching again on March 24th from 4-5PM.  Pizza will be provided!  Our main goal for our first meeting will be to get to know each other through open, safe, and lively discussion followed by some decision making by participants aroud the freqquency of the group and what activities we want to do together.


See you there!